This story begins with Juan Osorio who was a man quite honest and very cheerful. As soon as he fall in love he got married.
Juan and his wife lived for many time in the country, they has got three children.
Juan and her wife called Sara began to split up because they didn’t have a good relationship. He decided to leave his family and to go far away . He didn’t matter about anything and less his family.
Juan takes a bus to a center city he stayed three days and he didn´t like it because it was noise and there were many people. He had been to a different city and days passed and he asked to the people about one place where he could breathe clean air and get a feeling of peace and they told him about a mountain that wasn’t far away .
He felt lovely for this place and catch a bus to arrive to the mountain to live and stay there.
Juan has thought to work and make a big house with one little garden. He arrived to a camping zone and asked to the receptionist about a job vacancy. She anwers yes, we need one person that live and take care this place. Juan stayed for many years working and caring this camping and meeting people who visit it in the summer for a rest. He made friends, but when they leave, he feel lonely.
When Juan was sleeping he smelled that his house was on fire, he didn’t believe that that happened to him. Some people went there to help him. The boss decided to fire him because he didn´t need a person that be irresponsible and he move one place far away where the weather is not good it’s cold, rainy and snowy.
Juan stayed in the range for many time lonely with his dogs. The police know that Juan was living there.
Months and years passed and the police always visit him, but one day they found Juan dead in his bedroom.