Nowadays travel in Santiago or surrounding of this is a common activity for all chilean family. Usually, on holidays most people are used to travel by car or bus.
Today there are many kind of transports which are within reach of all. The Santiago city subway has a number stations serving. The subways operates from Monday to Sunday.
There is customer information center bulletin (transantiago) near the main booth in every station. You ´ll find subways map, train schedule and information about route you want to take. It´s very accessible to anyone.
Despite, some problems that produce during hour pick for quantity of public it become with less continuity of serving but most people to choose them for the best way of travel to any place in a short period of time.
However it is not the only way to travel in Chile, the journey by bus can be such long how cheap. El rodoviario de buses en Santiago is the biggest `s Terminal de Alameda from here you can travel to coast, north, south our country.
In Chile operate on regularly a line of train which leave to places or cities from Santiago to Rancagua, San Fernando, etc . It is other way so cheaper how faster.
In the other side most people use to port terminals which only used it for to export and imported goods and merchandise. Some of the most popular sections are Puerto Montt-Quellon- Chaiten, etc.
Finally, I think that the best way of travel depend on our needs, and the place that we will want to choose and Which we will want to go.